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Frédéric Dion

Keynote Speaker and Author


Frederic Dion conferencier

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Surviving 10 days in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon without water, food or a GPS; crossing the Antarctic on skis; receiving an honourable mention from the Governor General of Canada in 2014 for saving 9 skiers in the Alps; surviving 4 days without water, food and winter equipment at Lake Mistassini; running 33 marathons over 7 weeks and navigating thousands of kilometres on the ocean. These are just some of the challenges that Frédéric Dion has overcome.

This adventurer is ambassador for Scouts Canada and spokesperson for Operation Greenland 2017, the first charity trip organised by Opération Enfant Soleil. At 44, he has presented more than 2,000 public, corporate and school conferences around the world.  



We have adored. He presented the conference “Dare the adventure! Take action!”. Not only did we love him, but I would make it a point of honor to refer him for any company or association. He knows how to deliver his message, get us into the adventure and connect it all with everyday life and make us PERFORM!
Rejean Cajolet – Victoriaville CA Member
Frédéric is a real enthusiast. He simply masters the art of motivation and making anything possible. For a business, this is something valuable. His approach helps a lot in the realization of ambitious projects. At work and in our personal lives.
Danny Pagé, Marketing Director, ADN Communications
What dynamism and what a fine example to follow! Mr. Frédéric Dion’s conference “Osez l’aventure!” is both an incentive to carry out our projects, from the simplest to the most eccentric. It is also a way of giving ourselves the tools and means to achieve our objectives in a satisfactory manner. I recommend and re-recommend.
Celine Rousseau, Marketing Director, Quebec Tourism




    • Each presentation can be offered on location, online or both.

    • We can combine elements from two or more keynotes.

    • Each presentation can also be offered in a training and / or workshop mode.

    • Each presentation can be given in EnglishFrench or both.

    • Possible durations: between 45 minutes and a full-day. The most popular formats are 60, 75, 90 minutes, as well as a half-day.

    • Number of attendees: from 5 to 5000.

    • We always take the time to customize the presentations to your organization, your needs and your expectations.

    • Our goal is to make your experience as valuable and engaging as possible!




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