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A keynote by Martin Lespérance

You know what you must do, but… you keep pushing it back…

So, what if you took action right now?

Are you IN?

We say that 3% of people are good at defining and tracking their goals.

We say that this 3% is successful… hum!

I have done the work for you by transferring the recipe from sports to the business world.

Let me stimulate your INSPIRATION to make the profound change you are seeking to reach the impossible.

We go through the 7 steps that shift a goal from the “impossible” to the “possible” category. You put it all into practice during the session and create YOUR action plan.

Today, we are taking action!!

If you’re ready and want to reach that goal, that dream, that aspiration, the impossible, “It’s GOTIME!!”

The question is… Are you IN?


Keynote 60 min – 90 min – 2 to 3h.