Surprise your team with a talk that everyone should hear… at least once in their lives! David has dedicated a significant part of his career to better understand love. He has written 3 books on the subject and created 2 online courses that have changed the life of 4 000 people to date.
With this ultra-relevant conference, full of studies and tools, offer your team a moment to better understand the major differences between men and women. The content is designed for both singles and couples. Expect an interactive, raw and honest delivery about love, dating, relationships, and what makes someone “truly happy” in love.
- The 4 Love Languages ;
- Yin, Yang, and the energy of love;
- The SAR – Activated Reticulated System – The ultimate tool for singles;
- The 4 types of partners;
- The equation of happiness in a couple. The principles that lead to a true and lasting love relationship…
- Much much more!