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Sara Gilbert

Keynote Speaker

Award-winning Business Strategist & Mindset Coach

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Recipient of “Most Innovative Woman in Business Development Strategy” and “Best International Business Consultant in Canada” at the Influential Businesswoman Awards. Sara holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, majoring in Marketing, holds some of the highest designation in the wealth management industry and a double certification in personal and professional coaching in neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

She is one of the very few Canadian coaches invited by Forbes to join the Forbes Coaches Council, an honor reserved for the most eminent business coaches. She is also a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS), and the National Speakers Association (NSA) in the United States.

Sara is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who is interested in everything related to business, consumer psychology and, more specifically, human behavior.
Combining hard-skills and soft-skills…

Sara has mastered the art of transmitting her knowledge and sound advice in stimulating presentations. In English and in French.
In every talk, Sara draws upon her business acumen and powerful experiences combined with relevant data to help your audience connect with the intended message, reflect on the change required and provides practical tools needed for them to enhance their hard-skills as well as their soft-skills.

But most importantly… her mission is simple: to help entrepreneurs and leaders think differently, talk differently and act differently, so they, in return, make a difference in the world around them, 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑦.



Sara is a great presenter with excellent presentation skills Sara presented to SAP for the Montreal Women’s business Group. The presentation was on “Putting yourself first” it was well received by our employees. She provided us with good strategies for time management, empowerment and setting priorities. We specifically like her Two Minute Rule, and what is the Two-minute Rule? Well you will have to ask Sara. I highly recommend her as a business coach, or workshop facilitator. Thank you, Sara, once again!
– Dominique Pirolo SAP Talent Career Strategist-Coach Certified
Encourages participants to dare with humility and to take action Sara is passionate for what she does and a great speaker. She was able to provide interesting tips that will bring added value in our daily life. In addition to capturing our attention, Sara not only pushed our resources to question themselves, but also encouraged them to dare with all humility and to take action.
– Léa Saadé VPR Asset Management, Financière des professionnels – Gestion privée
Finding solutions to problems can be simpler than we think Sara, thank you for making “simple” the things we tend to overthink and therefore make “complicated”. The industry sometimes gets the best of us but you present in a way that the foundational roots to all problems can be simpler than we think. It is far from easy but your passion, comprehension and sense of self, helped my group get in touch with core strategies in order to redefining planning and building.
– Matthew Leblanc Regional Director, IG




    • Each presentation can be offered on location, online or both.

    • We can combine elements from two or more keynotes.

    • Each presentation can also be offered in a training and / or workshop mode.

    • Each presentation can be given in EnglishFrench or both.

    • Possible durations: between 45 minutes and a full-day. The most popular formats are 60, 75, 90 minutes, as well as a half-day.

    • Number of attendees: from 5 to 5000.

    • We always take the time to customize the presentations to your organization, your needs and your expectations.

    • Our goal is to make your experience as valuable and engaging as possible!

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